September 5 - December 16, 2016, Henri Poincaré Institute (Paris 5th), Paris, France.
Dear Colleague,
It is our pleasure to announce a Trimester (3-month program) on
"Numerical methods for PDEs", organized with the collaboration of the
Centre Emile Borel at the Institut Henri Poincare (
in Paris, from September 5th to December 16th, 2016 (poster attached).
Information on the scientific programme can be found at:
The registration for the programme is free but recommended:
Note : The deadline to apply for financial support is March 15th, 2016.
The Institut Henri Poincare can help you find a room or an apartment
during your stay in Paris.
3 conferences will be organized:
* Advanced numerical methods: Recent developments, analysis and
applications, October 3-7
* Recent developments in numerical methods for model reduction,
November 7-10
* Industry and Mathematics, November 21-25
Attached to this trimester:
An introductory school will be organized at IESC in Corsica (Institut
d’Etudes scientifiques de Cargese), September 5-9
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Paris!
The organisers,
D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern, L. Formaggia